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Alhamdulillah, we will have two Imams who will be leading Salaatu Taraweeh this year.

1) Ml. Mohamed Momaya 

Imam Mohamed Momaya was born in Mumbai, India and he completed his Hifz and Islamic jurisprudence education from Madrassah Falah Darain in Gujrat, India. He has travelled to various countries in order to lead Salaatul Taraweeh during Ramadan eventually arriving in Toronto.

2) Ml. Muhammad Rizwan Miah

Maulana Rizwan completed his Alimiyyah Course at Al-Kawther Academy, Leicester, UK.
He completed his Hifdh in 2016 at Madinatul Uloom Al Islamiya, Kidderminster, UK.  He has led Taraweeh at various Masajids in UK and Europe since the completion of his Hifdh. He is currently a teacher at Northampton Hifdh Academy.
Ml. Rizwan is also an accountant by profession.