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Nikah/Marriage Procedure

Assalamu Allaikum,

Congratulations on making the most important decision of your life! 

Prophet SAW said:
إِذَا تَزَوَّجَ الْعَبْدُ فَقَدِ اسْتَكْمَلَ نِصْفَ الدِّينِ
When a man marries he has fulfilled half of the religion”
In order to be eligible to get your marriages solemnized at MANB, following requirements must be followed:
1) All marriages officiated at MANB Masjid must also be registered with Service New Brunswick.
2) The Nikah (Aqd Zawaj) process includes the Sharaee’ Marriage (Islamic Marriage) and the Legal Marriage. The two must be performed together.
3) The Groom and the Bride must be of legal age to get married.
4) The Groom and the Bride must either be Permanent Residents or Citizens of Canada. Unfortunately, MANB will not be able to facilitate the marriage if either Groom or the Bride has a residency status other than Permanent Resident or a Citizen.
5) In the event that Groom and Bride have previously been married Islamically (Nikah/Aqd Zawaj conducted by a Muslim leader/Imam), MANB will not be able to facilitate the solemnization of marriage for the sole purpose of registeration with Service New Brunswick.  
If you qualify the above requirements, following are the steps you need to take in order to start the process of Nikah (Aqd/Zawaj) :

Preliminary Information (Form 1):

Step 1: Please send an email to info@manb.ca or call at 506-633-1675 and leave your contact information with a brief message that you intend to get married. Somebody from our office, or the Officiant Imam will contact you. 

After the first telephonic conversation with the Imam, the Preliminary Form (Form 1) needs to be submitted. Please note that groom will submit his form and bride will submit her form. Both submissions need to be received separately. You can access the online form at:

Nikah Preliminary Information Form (Form 1) 

Nikah Service Request Form (Form 2):

Step 2: Once the Imam verifies the information submitted in Form 1, you will be instructed to submit Nikah Service Request Form (Form 2). Only one form is required from Groom and the Bride.

Nikah Service Request Form (Form 2)


Islamic Requirements:

Step 3: The Nikah (Islamic Wedding) contract is a solemn oath between the spouses and families and their responsibility to each other in front of Allah SWT which requires:

  • The offer of marriage and acceptance freely and willingly
  • The Mahr (Dowry) gift, given to the Bride, by the the Groom
  • The “Wali” Guardian of bride if available
  • Two witnesses* for the Nikah Ceremony

♦ The bride and groom must provide at least two Muslim, male witnesses for their Nikah ceremony, of which the “Wali” does not qualify.

♦ You must have submitted the names of the Witnesses in the Form 2. These witnesses must be present physically on the day of Nikah.


Premarital Counseling Session:

Step 4: You will be contacted by the Imam for a Premarital Counseling session if the Imam deems it necessary. 

If all works out well and all documents are complete you will be provided with the date of Nikah and asked to obtain a Marriage License


Legal Requirements:

Step 5: All marriages officiated at MANB Masjid must also be registered with Service New Brunswick. In order to do this, a Marriage License must be obtained from Service New Brunswick.

The original marriage license and the provided return envelope need to be given to the Imam on the day of your Nikah.

Step 6
By the day of Nikah Ceremony, you must have already submitted the following:

  • Nikah Preliminary Form (Form 1) – Submitted separately by Groom and Bride
  • Nikah Service Request Form (Form 2) – submitted by Applicant

Step 7: At Nikah Ceremony, you will bring with you: 

  • Marriage Licenses and provided return envelope –  provided by Applicant
  • Two Muslim Male Witnesses – provided by the Applicant

Step 8: After Nikah Ceremony, following will be provided to you:

  • Nikah/Aqd Zawaj Islamic Marriage Certificate –  provided by the Officiant Imam
  • Legal Marriage Certificate –  provided by the Officiant Imam

Step 9: (optional) Reserving the MANB Community Hall. If you are planning to reserve the MANB Community Hall for serving food and snacks to your guests, please contact MANB at info@manb.ca to check if the Community Hall is available on the day of ceremony. At times, it is not possible to reserve the Community Hall as other groups have booked it for other community activities.
Note: No food or drinks are permissible in the Prayer Halls. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact MANB at info@manb.ca or call at 506-633-1675.


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