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MANB Islamic School – Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

The Islamic School Student Code of Conduct reflects the values and behaviours that will help the school be a positive, caring and safe place to learn and work. The Code will help foster an environment where all students feel welcome, wanted and have a sense of belonging. The Student Code of Conduct applies to all students. This means students at school (masjid), at school-sponsored events on any public or private properties, whenever a student is representing the school, in all communications related to school events and in all interactions among students and between students and school staff. The Code also applies to student behaviour online and in electronic communications and other instances that could have an impact on the school climate.

What is the Code of Conduct?

• Responsible for his/her own behaviour to the best of his/her abilities.
• Responsible for his/her own personal choices.
• Respect others’ differences, ideas and opinions and treat everyone fairly.
• Do not tolerate bullying of any kind and he/she will report bullying when he/she has knowledge of it.
• Will do whatever he/she can to help those around him/her who may be struggling.
• Will respect the school’s and masjid’s rules, including adherence to the standard of dressing when entering the masjid.
• Will attend classes, complete schoolwork, and be on time.
• Will behave in a way that is empathetic, responsible and civil to those around him/her
• Will resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.
• Will treat school and masjid’s property and the property of others with respect.

All members of the school community have the right to learn and work in a safe, orderly, productive, respectful and harassment-free environment.

All members of the school community are responsible for supporting and modelling the standards established in this Code.

Students are expected to be respectful and engaged in their school community. Nothing is expected of a student that is not also expected of others in the school community.

Teachers and school staff, led by the Principal, and members of the school community should model good behaviour and the values of the Code in school and wherever

students are present.

Affirmation to the Code of Conduct


• Will adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.

• Will encourage his/her friends to respect the Student Code of Conduct

Teacher and volunteer:

• Will teach/remind students of the Student Code of Conduct.
• Will encourage responsible behaviour.
• Will model appropriate behaviour within the school community.
• Will maintain order and discipline within his/her classroom and encourage a positive learning and working environment.
• Will have clear and appropriate expectations with regard to student behaviour.

School Principal:

• Will ensure that measures are taken to create and maintain a safe, positive and effective learning and working environment.
• Will communicate these measures throughout the school community.
• Will maintain order and discipline at the school and work to cultivate a positive learning and working environment.
• Will provide leadership at all times, especially when problems arise.

Disciplinary Measures for Breach of Code of Conduct

Disciplinary measures which may be imposed, singly or in combination, for the breach of the Code of Conduct include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Verbal warning
• Conference with student and parent/guardian
• Written warning
• Letters of apology (to other students or school personnel)
• Suspension (for an agreed period of time) from attending the school
• Termination of school registration/contract and prohibition from attending school
• Fines and/or reimbursement when a property damage occurs. The damage assessment will be conducted by the MANB.

When a disciplinary measure is taken, the student and the parents will be informed in writing.

A student has the right to appeal, by a written letter or email to the Principal of the school, however the final decision regarding the appeal sits with the Principal.

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